How Stacia Used Life360 to Find Her Missing Fiancé

Our users at Life360 often share stories of how they’re using the app – whether it’s about how they are staying connected with their families or have ease-of-mind from monitoring new teenage drivers. The stories of gratitude we receive on a daily basis keeps us working hard to constantly improve our app. We recently connected with one of our users, Stacia C., who offered to share her own story about how Life360 helped locate her missing fiancé.

Totaled sedan car

On a rainy Friday evening, Stacia’s fiancé stopped by his friends house after work. It had been raining on and off all day, and when he finally left his friend’s house he texted Stacia that he was on his way home. Knowing that it only takes 10 minutes door to door, Stacia began cooking dinner. After 20 minutes passed and he still wasn’t home, Stacia began to worry, calling and texting him multiple times.

“I became very anxious when he didn’t respond to any texts or calls,” said Stacia. “I immediately opened Life360 and hit get directions in the app. An icon on Google Maps showed there was an accident and I just knew it was him.”

Stacia turned off the stove, grabbed her keys and flew out the door. When she arrived at Charles’ location, she saw his car in a ditch. The car had hydroplaned and was T-boned by an oncoming vehicle. The policeman on the scene was able to direct Stacia to the hospital that he was taken to and she was there within minutes of his arrival.

“Without Life360 I wouldn’t have been able to find him. He was in such shock after the accident that when he gave my phone number, it was one digit off – so they never would have reached me.”

After the accident, Stacia upgraded to Driver Protect so her whole family had access to crash detection and emergency response. In addition to her fiancé, her three teenagers are on the app and they loved it. Her kids enjoy using Life360 as a way to see how far Stacia is when she is picking them up from school or an after school activity. Since the accident, they all check-in on one another with Life360 a lot more.

Thank you so much to Stacia and her family for sharing their story with us – we’re so thankful Charles is okay and that we could be there to keep you and your family safe and connected everyday.

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