9 Amazing Tips for a Safe Spring Break with Family or Friends

Family in all white standing on the beach

Spring break is a great time to get away and enjoy some sun for both families and college students alike. It’s a great way to shake off those winter blues and soak in some sunshine. With all the fun ahead, it is important to remember that safety is a key part of traveling as well, even with family and friends.

Life360 offers a great solution to keeping safe and in touch while enjoying your break. Check out our amazing locator app plans today.

Spring Break Safety Tips for Everyone

Below, we will be looking at a few highly effective yet simple tips to help you and your loved ones have a safe spring break, whether you are traveling with your family or with your college buddies.

1. Never Travel Alone

When you are heading out on vacation—even if you aren’t going far—don’t go on your own – especially to parties or late night events. Always have someone with you and someone to check in with.

2. Share Your Location with Friends and Families

Life360 is a location-sharing app, and it’s one of the best ideas for families and friend groups. This app will allow you to share where you are with the people important to you, which will keep you much safer. Check out Life360 to see how it works, and register online today.

3. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

No matter where you go, no matter how comfortable you might feel, be aware of what’s happening around you. A little vigilance will go a long way when it comes to helping you stay safe. It can keep you from getting lost and getting into bad situations.

4. Practice Safe Drinking

Part of spring break safety is drinking responsibly. A lot of people drink when they are on vacation. It happens. You just need to make sure that you are never at the point where you are inebriated and unable to control your actions.

5. Never Let Young Kids Out of Your Sight

Families who are traveling during spring break can feel overwhelmed, which means it could be possible for kids to wander away. Don’t let this happen! Consider using tools like Life360 with your kids, so you can always keep track of them just in case they try to wander off.

6. Lock Your Hotel Doors

You should always make sure your doors are locked, and this goes double whenever you are at a hotel, motel, or Airbnb. You never know who could wander inside. Err on the side of caution.

7. Never Share Where You Are Staying/Your Room Number with Strangers

Even though you might meet some people on Spring Break who seem nice, you don’t know them. Never give them your room number or let them know where you are staying.

8. Practice Safe Driving

Always be as safe as possible behind the wheel. This means no drunk driving and being aware of others on the road who may be dangerous. Drunk drivers between 21 and 35 years old accounted for 50% of all DWI deaths in 2017 in Texas. Never get behind the wheel after drinking.

9. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Sometimes, you might feel as though you are in an unsafe situation, but you might fear asking for help. Never be afraid to get the help you need.

 Enjoy the Sun Worry-Free with Life360

You love your friends and family and want to keep them safe no matter where they might be. Opting for a location safety app like Life360 can be a great solution. Register online today.

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