3rd-Party Software Report for Android
We make extensive use of open source software for the various components of Life360, from the embedded software that runs on Tiles to our mobile apps and back-end systems. In fact, we would be unable to offer our product as we envisioned it without the help of these projects. Thank you for your contributions to the open source community and for helping turn our vision into reality.
Android app
- Android Image Cropper
- AndroidX
- AppCenter
- AutoValue
- Country Picker for Android
- Conductor
- Dagger
- Firebase
- Flexible Adapter
- Glide
- Google GMS
- Google In-App Updates
- Google libphonenumber
- Google Maps
- Guava
- Harmony
- Hive MQ MQTT Client
- javax.inject
- Joda Time
- Kotlin
- KotlinX Coroutines
- KotlinX Serialization
- Lottie
- MPAndroidChart
- OkHttp
- org.json
- PhotoView
- ProtoBuf
- PubNub
- Retrofit
- RxAndroid
- RxBinding
- RxJava
- RxRelay
- Timber