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Life360 Reviews

With over 200+ million downloads worldwide and over 50 million members, see why Life360 is the #1 family safety app with a 4.6 star rating on the App Store & Google Play. No matter the situation, we’ve got your back.

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“With Life360, every time you get in your vehicle, you feel safe and there’s no price you can put on that.”

Best Life360 Reviews from Members

Illustration of car getting hit on the left side

Life360 alerted us right away that she had been in a collision, with her location. We were able to get to her immediately before we even had to get a call from the police, firefighters or paramedics. Well worth it! Get it, if you don’t have it. #life360

Illustration of ambulance

If you are on the fence about getting your family on life360 premium, let me put this out there. No authorities or medical personnel had the time or ability to contact us the day of Lynley’s accident. Life360 did right away and sent help. Go ahead and spend the extra money just in case. It makes a difference. #life360

Illustration of smartphone

So genius me left my phone on top of the car as we left the rink this morning. It fell off along hwy 121 in Dallas, Texas at around 55mph. Luckily it hadn’t been ran over so wife screenshot life360 location and we found it.

Illustration of ambulance

A few hours ago, I received a call saying that Life360 had been alerted to a crash involving my niece. She was indeed in an accident, a rollover in fact. She’s alive, bruised and banged up, but alive. I just wanted to say thank you so much for this service. My sister was able to get to her almost as fast as EMS was.

3 illustrated location markers

Can you turn the reminder for location services off? Us parents don’t want it on, so we have it ‘active when app is in use’ but that means every time you load the app you get the big full page reminder..

Tow truck illustration for roadside assistance

Locating can be wonky. 2 people in the same car are sometimes “in two different locations traveling” together Lol We purchased the “Gold Membership” works like AAA!! My daughter got a flat in the middle of nowhere and called the live360 they sent out a tow truck and got her to tire center. (Only had to pay a very small portion for being over so many miles out of town, just like the other roadside assistant companies)

Illustration of a drop pin

Not a fan of the bubble option for my 10 Y/o but I do love the App. My son’s car broke down and roadside service had his back. I was very impressed. Thank you for such a wonderful App.

Illustration of ambulance

1 week ago today Life360 called 911 for me when I couldn’t because my phone was broken. I’m so thankful and have much peace of mind knowing that if my kids had been off alone or with someone else and something had happened they would’ve had help en route pronto!

Illustration of smartphone

My friend was driving last night and I was in the passenger side and we went into flood waters on accident, the car got washed down my phone stayed active and I called my mom and she found my location through life 360. If it wasn’t for the app she wouldn’t have found me and had emergencies there to help me and I would not have made it. Thank you so much

Membership plans built for modern life.

Whichever plan you choose, rest easy knowing that your features will cover each family member  — now including the ability to link your Life360 and Tile accounts to see everyone and everything in your Life360 map.

Complete family protection
in 3 easy steps:

"Step 1" Illustrated arm holding a Life360 Gold membership card 1

Sign up for a membership plan

"Step 2" Arm holding a phone 2

Download the Life360 app.

Illustrated step three number 3

Invite your family to join your Circle.

Illustration of woman with coffee and book 4

Enjoy your newfound peace of mind!